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Our Families

Our families each have their particular situations and yet they share so much in common. The issues of violence, defiance, lying, stealing, triangulation, manipulation, have a particular impact on those around the children. With us, they do not need to ‘explain’ what’s going on, we all already know. The complete lack of judgment at our program allows families to let down their guard, and finally start working  through years of living in crisis.


It’s gratifying and yet heartbreaking hearing the parents participating with us saying they feel like they’re dreaming because they’d never felt so supported before.


It’s unbelievable yet completely expected to hear that’s the first week ever their children had shown them some kind of respect. 


We have had conversations with parents we met years ago and we hear them saying they still cry when remembering how that week they finally, after a long time or maybe for the first time ever, felt hope.

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